Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear friends in Christ

I am the Good Shepherd. With these words, which St John records in his Gospel, Jesus announces His desire to gather us all into His fold. The early Church had a great affection for the image of the Good Shepherd, which is evidenced by the fact that the earliest representations of Jesus depict Him carrying a lost sheep homewards; we can view these in the catacombs, and on many ancient buildings, mosaics, and sculptures. The Liturgy of this Sunday invites us to meditate on the merciful tenderness of Jesus, so that we can recognise His excessive love that was manifested by His death and resurrection. It is also a good opportunity to remember in our prayer and in our affections, the good shepherds, whom He has left to guide us and keep us in his name today. In the Old Testament there are numerous prophecies that refer to the Messiah as a Good Shepherd who will guide and govern His people. This is in opposition to those thieves who seek their own interest and destroy the flock. The Good Shepherd is the one who knows His flock by name and leads them through the gate to pastures that will refresh and nourish them.

This Sunday is also the Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. We are urged—and not only on this one day each year but every day—to pray for and encourage young people to offer their lives in unconditional service of Christ and His Church. For many this will be the path of Marriage and family life, but God chooses from our families those He wishes to consecrate by a unique dedication in the Priesthood and Consecrated Life. Please pray for the young men who are preparing for the Priesthood for our own Diocese—two will be Ordained this year—and for anyone you know who may be considering this call. In this, my fortieth year of Priesthood, I give especial thanks to God for all those who led and encouraged me on the path of Priestly service. I think of my parents, priests, teachers and the countless members of the Faithful who inspired me, and continue to inspire me, to serve Our Lord in His Church. Pray for our perseverance and for all those who struggle in their vocation. Pray that many more will come forward and, leaving aside the allure of worldly success, may give themselves in unconditional service of Jesus. Our world has great need of this today!

God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale